Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


You've got Pink Therapy! It's giving me Pink Therapy and I'm tickled Pink!

Most bakeries I talked to charged per slice... we let Dylan choose the lower layer (which I got one bite of) Ken and I chose the second layer (which I hope was good - I didn't have any at all) and then we'll have our top layer in a month! (Almond cake, lemon filling, buttercream frosting...)

By Blogger Amie, at 12:25 PM  

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Thursday, December 02, 2004  

You got it, Catherine. I’m having serious Pink Therapy these days and as the only girly girl among Mama’s 4 daughters, I’m soaking it up big time. The first time I realized how hungry I had been for Pink was last summer when we were having a casual pick up dinner on the porch. Suddenly the table felt balanced. The pleasure progressed as I watched BD turn those MeltedIntoAPuddle eyes her way. Paternal delight - Paternal love. I remembered seeing that look in Daddy’s eyes back in the days long gone by - only, then I didn’t recognize it. My birthday brought tangible evidence of the new Era-of-Pink: Balloons on the mailbox. Jewelry in the gift box. Yep - serious pink here. This wedding stuff is flat out Pink, though. Not Hint-0-Pink, but BarbieBlasterPink. I know you understand.

Funny, the things we do when we are focusing on some BigPicture, that we wouldn’t do otherwise. I never read the OT subjects on Knitters Review Forum but as I scrolled down today I saw, under, of all things (?), health issues, a post about wedding dresses, so of course I clicked on it. Funny - I barely even scroll down that far most of the time.

The only WeddingNews in today’s post is that Bride settled on the wording for 125 invitations and I made appointments for us to go taste cake on Tuesday. Of course there are dozens of bakeries within our purchasing territory and there’s even a local man who is supposed to be excellent (but he didn’t call me back last night, dag nabbit.) so I’ve had to go by word of mouth. Two bakeries in Richmond I had heard good things about are on the short list for Tuesday, but I already have a decided preference for one - the smaller, less flashy one, out on Patterson Ave.

I called him first and was immediately transferred back to the GuyInCharge. That flat gravely voice with the Tidewater accent sent an immediate wash of warm, delightful recognition through my body. He was just so cute - like so many men who live around here - Lord how to describe them. First, they sound like they just finished telling a joke or teasing their big sister’s girlfriend. It’s a sort of flirty way of talking, with no expectations, because she’s really too old for them. Mind now, it’s not at all in the things they say, it’s in their tone of voice. At the same time, especially if this is a business conversation, they’ll have all the details ready to spread out - almost so fast you have to ask them to repeat themselves. Rat-a-tatta-tatta. How many guests?Sitdown or buffet?You’ll need between 25 and 27 lbs.That’s a 4 tier cake.I charge $12 a pound, which is mid-price for Richmond and if you want columns they’re $12 a set.Where’s the wedding?

“Tappahannock!?! That’s where I put my boat in?”

“Champlain?! I fish up there, on the Hundley’s pond”

“That was you swimming in Farmer’s Hall Creek?”

Later, when I was telling LD about him, he said he’s seen the Westhampton Bakery truck at the Hundleys (just across the creek from us!) for years.

Anyway, I really warmed to this guy over the phone and no, we don’t need an appointment, just drop by any Tuesday through Saturday.

The other bakery has a justifiably fabulous reputation. I’ve bought little treats there when I’ve been in Richmond, shopping in Carytown (one of Richmond’s funky little shopping areas). It’s a “French” bakery but it’s housed in the old Dot’s Bakery building and that spot is awash in nostalgia producing juju. That’s where mama would take me as a wee tot, where I’d get the little butter cookie with frosting in the middle that crumbles on my tongue, making me once more a pre-schooler, hand tucked into Mama’s as I meander through a safe world where you don’t have to watch out for anything. Man - that’s a lot for a cookie to do!

Anyway, they want an appointment and their plain cakes with white icing start at $3.75 a slice. I am thinking a $750 cake is a bit ridiculous, but I’m willing to talk to them. And I’m very much willing to buy a family sized cake from the local guy, who just bakes on the side, to sample his skill. I’d rather buy from him because the Good Old Boy baker doesn’t deliver. We’d have to find someone trustworthy to go pick up the cake on WeddingDay.

So. That’s the WeddingReport for today. What is today anyway? Oh. Yeah. Tonight we have our third ESL Family night at the library so I shan’t be home till late. Friday a.m. we have a computer maintenance class at the south campus of the local community college - gadzooks, at 9 a.m! That means I have to leave here at 7:30. Saturday and Sunday are devoted to sewing and it’s going to be darn hard to finish the muslin when I have yards of silk singing siren songs to me from the back room.

My winter issue of SpinOff came yesterday and the only thing I looked for was TheSpiritTrail’s ad. All of my knitterly and spinnerly energy is channeled elsewhere - I believe I’ll fiddle with the heading of this blog and call it a wedding blog instead.

The ear is not getting better and the dr. will see me today. I am thinking amoxicillin. I’ll know in the afternoon.

posted by Bess | 7:26 AM