Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Tuesday, October 05, 2004  

Can you believe it? I’m supposed to be at work in 3 hours! Taking a Spanish lesson! Yikes! And in about 10 minutes I’m waking up a special guest who’s upstairs, spending the night with us before going to an 8:30 job interview. Not too much time to chatter this morning.

My last day of vacation was a sweet one. We lounged around in bed for hours - then I helped BD put the boat in the water. It’d been up in Maryland at the boat doctor while we were on vacation and he brought it home while I was at the FFF. After lunch we took a ride down stream and a very brief stroll along the beach across the river from Tappahannock. Brief, because the tide was coming up fast, with a south east wind helping it along. Socks came with us, because she’s a good little dog who comes when she’s called. Priss gets left at home on these jaunts, because she won’t come when she’s called and runs off the moment she thinks she can swim to shore. She came to us as a grown dog and we’ve never been able to break her of that bad habit. But she was waiting on the pier when we got back.

While dinner cooked I knit a few rounds on the Anny Blatt sweater. I have 6 rounds plus the short row shoulder shaping, a collar band and the weaving in stuff and it’s done, so it’s photo op time. I’ll get some film today.

Tonight is Weight Watchers and I really ought to go - but I believe I’ll play hooky. I’ve got another late night coming up on Thursday and I’m just not ready to leave my nest twice in the same week. That can come later, when I’m back in the groove of being away from home so much.

Well - 7 o’clock. Best get breakfast started.

posted by Bess | 7:02 AM