Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


You're an... ummm... aunt? Check my blog!

Big hugs and love to all the Ds!

By Blogger Amie, at 4:46 PM  

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Monday, September 06, 2004  

Adieu Summer 2004

Yup - it's officially over after today. And for all I'm looking forward to the fun of autumn, I am also a tad wistful at the flight of the imaginary leisurely summer days I would like to think I had. I didn't of course, though I had some wonderful days. But leisure didn't figure in to much of my summer. And it hasn't got even a supporting role for this fall. As I look into the future I don't have a weekend free till the week before Thanksgiving. What have I done to myself!?!

Yesterday the sky kept filling up with puffs of storm clouds - not the ordinary rain clouds, but hurricane clouds - 1000 miles away from the storm we were seeing the effects. I took a walk out to the road around noon and watched as the last of the blue sky disappeared. Later, BD and I drove up to F'burg for Texas chili and got caught in some fitful showers on the way home. We drove down Rt. 2 to Bowling Green - a slower route, but a pretty one, and then meandered home through the backroads. I was actually chilly and made him roll up the car windows. Ahh - how equinautical.

I've been struggling with the sleeve on the purple mohair lace sweater - the pattern is so much easier to knit in the round, but lawsee! I can't keep count of the stitches when increasing in the round. I finally ripped out the whole darn thing and started anew, knitting it flat. I am determined to finish this sleeve before tomorrow. I am also thinking of switching to wooden needles - but that's just a thought - not a decision.

LD&GF were over last night - and we heard all about the trip to Michigan. She was homesick and wanted a final dip in the river - and come to think of it - I do too. Just so's I can say I swim from May through September - something of a lie but not quite. They'll be with us for dinner tonight - roast chicken and new potatoes. It's been a long time since I let the oven get so hot for so long. Yup, yup - summer is over.

posted by Bess | 7:41 AM