Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Monday, August 09, 2004  

10 good things about today.

1. The week at work opens up with nice jobs to accomplish, but nothing onerous or looming - nothing where I will end up looking like a fool if I don't do a perfect job.

2. The weather promises to stay lovely for the next 10 days, with just enough rain to keep the grass green, but not so much as to wash away the road again.

3. We had a glorious day on the river yesterday, starting with a trip to Cedar Island with LD&GF, then a second trip all the way down to L'isle Joyeux. One of those golden days you go back to in your mind when dead of winter seems to have stolen all the warmth from your world.

4. I finished knitting up an on-demand project and like the results.

5. I dyed up some cormo roving with the leftover colors the girls had used and created two really pretty colorways.

6. This week is Tuesday Night Knitters.

7. I’m still feeling proud of myself that by last Friday I had completed all the tricky preparation for the family reunion .

8. This week the Cousins from Bedford arrive!

9. This week Caleb comes to cut the grass!! and Sheryl comes to clean my house!!!

10. Even though I ate Martha Stewart Butter'N'Sugar all last week, I didn't gain any weight.

posted by Bess | 6:30 AM