Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Oh I feel so much better...if you and Catherine can't find clothes either, well, then, I can RELAX. I thought it was just ME, that I should suddenly somehow WANT to have seahorses and wineglasses plastered all over a badly fitting skirt, but no, I really DON'T want to pay that for half a yard of material, thanks anyway. Now that the QUEEN doesn't want it either, those malls just might snap to attention and DO something about it, eh?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:09 AM  

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Monday, June 14, 2004  

It's another White Rabbit morning - I'm late I'm late I'm late. I should have left 15 minutes ago for a meeting in Richmond and I'm still in pajamas. I'm resigned to skipping the most interesting but gawdawful earliest of the 3 sessions.

Just a note to say, happily, gleefully, proudly, that I have completed all 8 repeats of the 4 row pattern on the lace sweater. Time to divide for the underarm bindoffs. 1/3 done? 2/5? This is good good good.

My horoscope says that east or west, home is best, and quit thinking the grass is greener somewhere else - I wouldn't even BE here if this weren't the right place for me. Also, we must all accept that there is an ebb and a flow in life and if Dark Thoughts start rolling in on us, just know that they'll roll on out again.

Good advice for the week.

posted by Bess | 6:58 AM