Like The Queen Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content. |
0 Comments:Subscribe to Post Comments [Atom] Wednesday, March 31, 2004 Okay- I'll confess. I have been struggling very hard to hold back the feeling that my vacation is slipping away. Fer cryin' out loud - it's only a week. I know I ought to just enjoy it, savor each day, and rest some. And barring the rest, I am doing that - but there's this utterly stupid, self-defeating thrum, like the harmonic strings on a lute - "It's slipping byyyyy. It's half gone!" I hear it whispering to me. Rats. Stupid. Why waste good vacation time fretting over it's speedy departure? How like human nature. In fact, I didn't realize these words would pour out - frequently I just put finger to keyboard when I begin a post - but as they tumbled out I remembered that both Jen and Margaret have recently posted about the swift flight of time this week. There - great minds must think alike. I got in some more exercise yesterday - and last night I forgot to take a motrin-like pill for the sciatica and it's not bothering me this morning. And I spun several hours yesterday. I am mostly spinning on this vacation, pulling out fibers I had forgotten I owned, experimenting with thread-like thin merino, wondering how it would look as lace, carding the blue and purple mohair locks to make a boucle for a hat idea pulsing in the brain. The more I work with HeyBaby, though, the more I think I need a double treadle production wheel that folds well enough for me to carry it around to events, classes and shows. Maybe something like this. This is BD's birthday and birthdays are a BigDeal around here, so I must be off and shan’t write much more. For delectation, though, and entertainment, I would like to point you to two web sites. The first, Linda’s Blog, which has a neat shawl idea on it - I am going to try it right away - but perhaps put in a sideways stripe lace pattern. The second I got off of Jerry’s Blog - but I’ll just post the link here - I am in love - particularly the Retirement card found by clicking the demotivators link on the left. It's Dilbert taken a step further. posted by Bess | 7:08 AM |