Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, March 03, 2004  

It’s been ages since I did any plain old surfing on the net. The constant barrage of NEW eventually wore me out. There isn’t any way one would ever get through it all and I was being left with a sort of groggy feeling of electronic hangover. There’s a little niggle in the back of my mind that keeps whispering that I’m missing really GreatStuff and yeah I am. Well - I’ll just have to miss it for the time being. What with the NoPersonalInternetDuringWorkHours, with which I am succeeding fairly well, btw, and the 4 day weight training schedule created for me by TthePT, there’s not a lot of surfing time.

That’s why I’m so grateful when, every now and then, something will just plop down in my lap Here is a site that filled me with inspiration and ideas. Great hats by outside-the-box thinkers. Quick! Gimme my needles!

I love hats anyway. Nothing sets off a woman’s face like the right hat. The plain are made beautiful and the beautiful, who don’t need help, entertain our eyes. And since I have a little time this morning, here, in no particular order, and with all caveats in place, are some other hat sites:

Hats in the Belfry

And for the curious - I read the kids the opening chapter of a favorite book of mine, To Spoil the Sun by Joyce Rockwood Hudson. It’s the best depiction of life in pre-discovery America, along the Carolina piedmont. It’s a pretty gripping tale and of course - it is also the story of the indigenous people in our area. Some of these kids have Powhatan ancestors - so this is their history, too.

posted by Bess | 6:13 AM