Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Sunday, March 07, 2004  

Here’s a bummer. I dyed my silk yarn yesterday. I didn’t have a recipe for how much pigment to use to work with silk, but Jen had said use lots more. It turned out a gorgeous shade of bronze-gold. Pretty much an exact match for the handspun mostly blue with a little b-g near one end. But lawsee I had to rinse and rinse and rinse to get the yellow out of that silk. So, while I was at it, I remembered that the handspun still had a strong vinegar scent and decided to rinse that. Well - darn - it faded. Sheesh! Now the bronze/gold is more medium peach. Is this a stinker or what? Not that I can’t wear medium peach, but there’s nary a bit of bronze-gold in the stuff. Rats and all.

Next time I will dye my own, by gum.

Eh. That is the world of color. You have some influence over things, but you have to accept some serendipity along with it.

Yesterday was a fabulous day, all in all. Dear dear BD was off to a conference - and the whole house is MINE all MINE. It is also clean since Sheryl visited. That means I get to do all the fun things there are to do around here. First a great step workout to my favorite Brazilian Forro music. An hour of that plus ab work = 7 aps, for you weight watcher followers. A quick dash to the post office delivered me this - which I spent a fortune on, but which I also found was, if not rare, was difficult to get my hands on. I wasn’t about to let this one slip away, for these outre knitting books don’t stay in print long.

Back home I cleared off the kitchen counter and spread out the huge plastic tablecloths. They’re big enough to drape down the fronts of the cabinets and even be stood upon. Thank goodness, since during the process, I managed to spill some red dye down the edge of the counters. It took less than an hour to get the beautiful color in my silk and I was soooo tempted to keep on dyeing things, but it was still raining outside. I only have so much space to hang damp skeins of yarn and hanks of fibers. Besides, I also wanted to get knitting on a sweater I’m doing as a contract piece.

While soaking the yarns, though, I started fiddling with wardrobe stuff. It’s so tempting to put away all those dark winter things. Oh, I know it’s not going to stay warm like this forever - but it’s not going to get freezing again, either, and the light is softer this time of year. Those dark browns and things that look like giant hugs of wool are just too heavy in spirit to wear now. I have enough lighter colored, but winter weight clothes and some heavier warm weather ones - but of course, one can’t just move them around. One must try them all on first. What still fits from last year? What doesn’t work any more. (Sigh, that teal blue suit - just too darn big to even pretend.) What can be combined with something else? What am I absolutely going to have to buy to pull it all together.

Anyway, this is something entirely fun for me, if incomprehensible to BD. It’s the sort of thing I prefer to do alone. And while playing dress-up the sun came out so I went ahead and did the laundry. It was nigh on to 2 before I sat down with my old buddy Elizabeth Zimmermann, her Knitting Workshop videos, and a cloud of stormy plum and gray mohair yarn. A couple of hours of knitting and hanging out laundry and I was ready for a nap. Oooo a delicious luxury of a nap. I can usually only sleep an hour, but that’s enough to keep me awake till nigh on to midnight. In my perfect world, I will always be able to take naps.

LD came over for dinner and we chatted for a long time. It’s fun to dream up things with him. He’s very creative and yet utterly practical. After he left I got in the first tape of Pride & Prejudice, then slipped off to bed.

Yikes! Yeah. A bed heaped with baskets of clean laundry. So before I settled down with this, I had to fold up all those socks.

And to think - it’s only Sunday morning and the sun is shining and there’s some green silk that would like to be spun up waiting for me.

posted by Bess | 7:24 AM