Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Tuesday, October 28, 2003  

No news. Nothing to say. No wit, no clarity, no flash of vision. Eh. What a horrible entry for a blog. This has to be why so many of my diaries have only Januarys in them.

I actually am knitting stuff, I just don’t want to write about it yet. And I have DEADLINES LOOMING . New demands must be met and so something must give. Fortunately, this year I could let my extended professional life be the sacrifice. It hasn’t been very rewarding lately anyway, so, like clothes that make you look fat, it got tossed. I’m skipping the annual state library convention. Pretty much being the invisible lady this year. And it feels sort of sneakily good to just say ‘let somebody else deal with that’. Naughty girl. Eh. I’ve put in my time.

I just began reading Barbara Kingsolver’s book of essays “Small Things”. I’m supposed to lead a discussion about it in 2 weeks. I quite enjoy the group I’ll be talking to but I have never liked Kingsolver’s books. Oh. Shame on me. I only read one and hated it. Bitchy women and weak men. The ubiquitous setting for about 70% of modern fiction. Didn’t finish it. This collection is her answer to 9/11. The title entry is very Episcopalian. Not surprised. Her historical research is inaccurate but if you accept her premise, that the downtrodden eventually will rise up to crush the ruling class - it makes sense. I don’t agree, mind you. It’s usually the educated sons and daughters of the middle class who rise up - and in the chaos they create, the downtrodden loot. But watching an artistic type deal with horrified grief - with collective grief -will be fascinating. I like essays anyway. I like to read them. I like to write them. Heck - what is a blog but a series of essays - all about the author.

So - I really do have nothing to say today. I’ll close with a quick family report, for those readers who are also kin; Daddy’s out of ICU. This is good. LD is going to be home next week. This is better. He will be enormous help right now and when I told him, last time we talked, how much I needed him, he was glad to hear it and quick to offer himself. He is such a wonderful man.

posted by Bess | 6:50 AM