Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Thursday, August 21, 2003  

Stuff is happening around me these days and I haven’t either felt inclined nor really able to write much. Knitting is sort of idling as well. I did have a super lunch date on Tuesday with Jen and got lots of strokes and love and a solid kind of friendship that carried me through the rest of that day. Makes you really understand just how intertwined we are. Don’t you ever doubt that just being your own sweet self isn’t making a huge difference somewhere out in the world - in ways you may never even know.

I will be glad when Mars starts moving on out of the picture - hurry September. (Yes, Mom, I know, “don’t wish your life away”)

I’m again on the evening shift, though this should be the last week - while I help the new employee settle into the routine. That means I have some time to work on the SGV this morning. This is good, since I also have to work on Saturday, thus truncating my knitting hours even more.

Well - all things flow.

posted by Bess | 7:42 AM