Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Monday, June 30, 2003  

Those blankety-blank missing archives. The worst of it is - well, the worst of it is they are missing. The second worst is that it’s so arbitrary - why are some missing and others not! And the third worst is that nobody answers my query. And the fourth worst of it is that all the triumph of my short row shoulders in a circular sweater with set in sleeves is unavailable. I am really irritated.

And now that I’ve gotten out of my snit, I will say that yesterday’s spinning day was wonderful. Lissa arrived about 10 and we played show and tell with our stashes till noon and had a little lunch and spun all afternoon, between hot political discussions between BigDarling, who loves the mental stretch of a good argument, but is married to the QueenOfPeace, (who will just go to sleep when conversation grows heated), and LissaOfTheStrongBeliefs. Everyone was respectful, though, and there was always swimming in the river for cooling off folllowed by grilled cheese - nature's comfort food.

And how we did play with our fibers! Lissa had Finn to share and I had silk, she had glorious purple handpaint, I had gold/red/and orange. She worked on spinning thick singles, I worked on my mohair boucle, adding shinny. Here’s a sample of that, knit up.

I can’t wait to do it again.

posted by Bess | 6:16 AM