Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, April 16, 2003  

My brain keeps niggling at the "more cool" thing but it can't seem to pry the nut of import out of the shell of drivel. Eh. When I have figured out what I want to say, I'll post.

In the mean time, last night my sweater class met and I broke the bad news to them - that I can't meet with them again till June - but if either of them has a question about her sweater, to catch me at work and I'll see if I can help. This is the advantage of living in a tiny little town and working in a public place. I'm easily found.

I am on the last round of the 2nd chart in Sigvaldi, about to make the first set of decreases in the yoke pattern. yippee!! I'm using wool from Carodan Farms, which is absolutely beautiful, but creates an enormous ammount of bulk when knitting stranded colorwork. My 24" needle does hold all the stitches but trying to knit them caused my hands to ache. I don't have an enormous long 40" circular and don't plan to buy one either, but I do have a second 24" size 7 needle so I'm knitting all the stitches from one needle onto the next. It loosened up the bunching just enough to make the knitting pleasant and easy. I'm also able to knit faster. The goal? To finish this thing before I go on vacation in early May.

posted by Bess | 7:38 AM