Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, April 30, 2003  

Maryland Sheep and Wool is only 3 days away for me. This is because I am not one of the lucky ones who will be attending Rita Buchanan's spinning workshop on Thursday and Friday. That, I shall have to do next year.

But I am as excited and distracted as I can be just anticipating the fun Saturday will bring. A whole passle of Knitters Review Forum folk will be gathering at noon at the main gate for a picnic lunch. This is not an exclusive group - any other interested knitter is most welcome to join the group.

This will be only my second trip to MSW so I expect to still be overwhelmed by it all. In fact, had I not been cash poor and yarn rich last year, I think I would hardly have had any fun at all - for trying to decide among that many choices would have caused my brain to short circuit. I only bought a spindle, and some delicious wool fibers. Thank goodness I've already bought a spinning wheel. I don't think I could make a decision in an environment so packed with choices. I've noticed this about me before - that I need limits and parameters and frameworks and structures in order to make decisions about 80% of the time. Give too wide a choice my head begins to buzz, my eyes get a film over them, conscious brain cells freeze and tactile responses are about the only thing I have left. That’s fine when I have unlimited $$ to spend but once again I’m on a somewhat tight leash.

So - to prepare myself I’ve got to set some limits. There is a dollar amount - okay. I’ve got that. But where will I spend those $. Hmmmm. A quick inventory of my fiber stash tells me I have:

· The rest of that lambswool and silk - a unique blend, enough for a sweater
· Plenty of handpainted silk roving - enough for now
· Enough white merino top to keep experimenting with - don’t need any more at the moment
· Colored mohair locks - too full of VM to really enjoy
· The green colorblend merino - a standard fiber, maybe not enough to finish the sweater

My yarn stash is even fuller and the only thing I’ll really consider buying is some Mostly Merino yarn and perhaps some truly outstanding, thrilling, impossible to resist handspun/handpainted yarn.

So - my shopping list includes:

· Green colorblend merino - I’ll take a little sample and see if I can get about 8 oz more
· CLEAN mohair locks - 1.25 lbs in vivid autumnal color blends
· Maybe something exotic like Wensleydale or other interesting fibers
· Something in rich chocolate brown, like melted Hershey bars - the color that looks best on me
· Mostly Merino in that pumpkiney red
· Whatever is so fabulous it is impossible to resist

Whew. I feel a lot better for having created some sort of viewing plan. I can enjoy everything I see, and I’m certainly not so rigid that if THE fiber or yarn or tool or toy of my dreams suddenly appears around the corner, I won’t be able to buy it. But when you are about to be met with 500+ fiber vendors, you need some sort of safety helmet - at least, I do.

posted by Bess | 7:32 AM