Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Saturday, April 26, 2003  

I am back in my emerald green world. Lord how I am enjoying all the cloudy, wet weather we’re having. Besides keeping things cool and letting blossoms last longer, the rain dances on my tin roofed house, sounding like a friendly conversation in the next room. It was so hot and so dry last summer I wonder if I will ever get enough rainy days. The air was a beautiful steel blue/gray as I drove home - a little rain, but nothing blinding. Those 200 daffodils I planted in March (Yes! 8 weeks ago! What an idiot! I forgot them and left them on the back porch all winter.) are up and blooming, a bright yellow smiling welcome home. So there, they did live. They’re of the King Alfred type and ordinarily would bloom at the beginning of the daffodil season, and they’re a little shorter than normal, but they’re perfectly lovely. They fill in a bit of the skimpy section along the road, up against the woods. These, added to the ones already planted there, make a swath, about 1/10th of a mile long, of golden daffodils, fluttering and dancing in the breeze. I think perhaps 1200 or 1300 of them. And in the garden the first rosebud is fat and red and will open up this week. It’s one of the Rugosas. All the Burkwood Viburnums are dropping the little blossoms and the lilac has begun to fade as well, but Iris are shooting up stalks. My iris are so crowded now I will have to dig every bed up in June. I think I’ll edge the outer corners of all the square beds in the Old Garden with them. After that I’ll have to start giving them away. I’ll be taking orders in 2005.

It’s good to be back after sitting and eating for 24 hours. I didn’t really want to attend this meeting so as a reward, most of the speakers were interesting and entertaining. Got some good knitting done on Sigvaldi too. In fact, I finished the yoke. Tried on the sweater last night. I really like how it has turned out with this exception - the neck is way too big and the back of the neck is way too low. The last row of the yoke is a purl row in pattern, which by that time is: *purl 1 in MC, purl 1 in CC, repeat from *

I’m going to pull out that last row, do at least 1 pair, maybe 2, of short rows across the back from one imaginary shoulder seam to the other, (2 pair would give me a nice inch rise) in the alternating colored pattern done in knit stitch, and then do the final purl row again. In addition I will decrease the stitches across the back neck, getting rid of either the MC or the CC (haven’t decided yet) and making the neckband snug up to the back of my neck a little.

Otherwise, this sweater completely satisfies me. I wish I had thought about raising the back shoulder area when I attached the sleeves, for I would have put a little lift in there too. But I think this solution will work.

What is left is a pretty neck band in stranded color work; the steeks and button band which I may do in garter stitch: darning in the ends and Kitchener stitching the underarm seams. In the next week or so I’m planning to finish the neckband and the darning in of the ends. I want to demonstrate Kitchener stitch and steek cutting to my students, and I don’t meet with them till June, so that will have to wait. Hope it isn’t too hot by then.

Stopped at Knitters Cottage on the way home. I don’t get to that shop all that often - maybe every other month - but the owner is so friendly and so good at remembering customers. (obviously she remembered me) Customers were chatting with her about the Wool Fair at Chester Farms in Churchville, VA. Well bummer. I didn’t even know about it. And I can’t go because I have to do a different sort of shopping today, in a city, at a shopping mall, because I do not have any good walking shoes and I also have run out of both perfume and concealer and no woman can be expected to do without either of those!

I actually enjoy shopping; all sorts of shopping. Fiber crawls are my favorites, but most any sort holds at least an opportunity for fun. But the kind of shopping I have to do today is more like work than play, and most closely resembles a military campaign. I have certain objectives that must be met, I have one day in which to meet them, an entire city to select from, but no opportunity to correct mistakes or fill in gaps later. BigDarling has some errands in the city too but I told him he’d have to take care of them another time because this sort of shopping with a mission can’t be accomplished if you have to think of any body else’s wishes or needs. Blitzkrieg shopping. a little daunting, but doable and necessary.

And here it is already after 8 and I’m not even dressed!

posted by Bess | 8:18 AM