Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Saturday, April 12, 2003  

Here is an interesting quandary:

I love fancy. I like the old Victoria magazine. I am always drawn to beaded, novelty yarns with flecks and glitter and sequins. I adore ruffles. Deep in my secret soul is a girl with ringlets, puffed sleeves and crinolines.

And I never remember to put on jewelry, I have the same straight blunt cut hairdo I've worn for 13 years, I don't own anything made of a printed fabric. I don't even wear vests! The closest thing to frill in my life is that I don't wear monochrome outfits.

Why the heck can't I manifest my inner frilliness?

Anyway - what is happening here this weekend. I don't have anything I have to do beyond making jumbalya. Somebody donated to the library a little Paul Prudome pamphlet with a half dozen recipes in it and the first one is a seafood jumbalya. I nearly drooled on the pages as I read the recipe. So before I went home, I stopped at the grocery for supplies. Tonight we feast.

An old topic I started on Knitters Review last September, on spinning boucle yarns, has been revived. It’s fun to be reminded of things you were enjoying 6 months ago. And it just so happens that I have finished spinning my fine gauge merino, with no real idea what I want to do with it - so no reason to spin more just now - (or fiddle with the drive band) and I have this bag of lovely, albeit very trash-filled, dyed mohair locks, ranging in shades from dark chocolate brown, through tans and spilling over into all sorts of oranges. It looks like a bag of fire when you peep inside. hmmmm. Wouldn’t it be fun to spin that into something furry looking. Yes. That’s just what I shall do. Play with mohair today.

posted by Bess | 6:58 AM