Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Monday, March 10, 2003  

Conversation between Bess and Goldie.

B “You didn’t’ really expect me to spend my first day in the garden in 2 years and then come in and do an intricate knitting project now, did you? really? “

G “You not only said you would, you put it in print”

B “It’s not really print. It’s merely type”

G “A technicality”

B "Besides, I had those 200 daffodil bulbs that I had to plant."

G "Oh come on. You plant daffodils in the fall, not in March! They'll never live."

B "They might if I plant them, but they'll surely die if I don't"

G "You were finished with that by 1:30."

B “But I thought C was just coming to pick up her yarn. I didn’t realize she would need a knitting lesson”

G “You should have prepared for contingencies”

B “You are not the only thing in my life, you know. I do have other interests”

G “Careful - Remember who has control of your creativity.”

B “I did rip out the left shoulder and the back shoulders to the first short row - and picked up the stitches including the first 2 wraps. I’m ready to zip right through now.

G “Haven’t you said that every day for the past week?”

B “Well, honey - this time I will get it done ... and as a treat, I’m taking you to the fiber guild this morning”

G “Humph - well, see that you finish my shoulders. I've been waiting for 12 months and I don't intend to sit crumpled in a basket another summer. I'll go live with the moths instead."

posted by Bess | 6:23 AM