Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, February 26, 2003  

Crazy day - it's snowing and nobody wants to be at work. We all feel like 5th graders staring at the windows and wondering how soon we can call it a day. It's worst for me since I live the farthest north - and it was pretty slick driving on the back roads around my place.

I had a bunch of knitting patrons in this morning, making sure they had eye candy in case they get snowed in again. I saw Lily Chin's urban knitter go out, and Vogue Knitting American Collection, Knitted Embellishments ... some happy folk. But this is what I wish I were doing:

Bess gets intimately involved with her knitting.

Oh - and I don't know what happened to my posts from 2/22 through today. I've asked admin about it and hope they'll fix it. They still exist, since I can find them in the code, just can't see them. Sigh. Such a loss to the world.

posted by Bess | 12:45 PM