Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Gosh, girlfriend, I didn't think anyone's stash rivalled mine -- but now I see I've been outdone! ;-) Good for you for setting deadlines. So far, my only deadline for using up my stash is 'when the Lord comes to get me and take me home'...and even then...think He'd like a pair of socks knit on the way?!


By Blogger Margaret, at 8:41 PM  

OK,so this makes me feel really guilty! I keep a yarn inventory on an Excel spreadsheet - updates are almost a year behind now - and it still totals over 400 miles of yarn!

The good news is that I've been doing a lot more knitting from stash - just need more arms. Being an octopus would come in handy about now.

By Anonymous diann, at 6:09 PM  

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Sunday, August 29, 2010  

Tossing the dross, keeping the gold I will NEVER buy yarn again!

My cyber twin is moving from a house she's lived in for more than a decade and she's going through the hard task of winnowing the golden kernals from the wheat chaff, and the book chaff, and the yarn chaff, dishes chaff, and all the other chaff that seems to filter down into the crevices and cranies of one's house. And I am filled with envy of the freedom she will have when she settles into her new place with only the cream of her crop.

And Inspiration! For, though she hasn't yet experienced the freedom of drosslessness, she is inspiring me to seek it in TheCastle. From which I do not intend to move untill medicare pays for it.

I want that clean swept house that has useful spaces, not doors and drawers that hide all the times I've been too weak, too lazy or too forgetful to throw out, say goodbye to, give away the things I no longer use. Not only does nobody want fortylevendy bottles of almost empty body lotion - it is ALSO not a crime to throw that little bit away. And so I dove into the bathroom cabinets - the ones beneath the sink, that had spilled out onto the floor one day last month, refusing to house the excess. I actually had to leave one tray of junk on the floor beneath the ironing board.

Happily nobody but me cares about that sort of thing .... my own particular Prince doesn't notice; kids don't either and we've only had younglings as guests this summer. But I notice and I was unhappy and I was envious of CyberTwin. And as a reward, I tackled the - um - let us call it the Spare Bedroom Stash, not the junk room.

I swear - behind that jumble there is an elegant walnut desk. I would like to use it sometime before its owner (LD) asks for it back.

Among all the stash I knew I had this Trendsetter rayon ribbon in a QueenlyGreen color. Purchased at Hunt Country Yarn - the most friendly and elegant yarn shop I know - I've only ever swatched with it. I've learned over the years that I really don't like ribbon yarn but as I was rewinding this slippery yarn, I thoroughly enjoyed the way it slid through my fingers. By the time I'd wound it all up ... I gave this stuff another chance. It should be a basic tank top for summertime. It has one year to become one and then it goes.

As evidenced by the label on the box. it has an expiration date.

There is 1,000 yards of this very thick happy yarn ... A Stitches '08 purchase that makes a very casual chunky fabric - I see I've done a guage swatch but I think it's too tight and will rip it out and try a bigger needle. this one too, though, has an expiration date. If I don't make something by the end of winter 2012 (that's 18 months away, give or take a few weeks) it goes to a new home too. I'm already pushing it with cunky yarn on my chunky body and these purples seem to dominate even all THAT orange and gold.

This other gorgeous stuff - another Stitches coup - has an unlimited lifespan. These are Queen colors. It's alpaca - so soft I could serve it up with a spoon. I just have to find the right thing to make with it. Even if it IS a chunky yarn. So there.

There is a bag of yellows and

a Box-0-Blues

Mink colored lace weight yarn (and a red and a pink lace weight, too)

Gorgeous blue and orange Malabrigo that is destined to be Somebody's Christmas gift.

And a gift of red cashmere yarn from MissC - fingerless gloves, I swear it - before December. Pour moi, vraimant.

Not just socks but a whole BOX-0-SOX yarn. Skeins and balls and twists of it! One of those cardboard file boxes jammed packed.

Shetland from Jameson and from my own spinning wheel

Un-photographed there are 10 balls of JoJoland Rhythm in coordinated colors, an enormous bin of mixed balls of yarn, enough KintPicks pallette to knit another KipFee all over agin and a Shelridge Farm Sweater Kit (that I paid an arm and a leg for and have yet to cast on the first stitch!!!)

There are, I am ashamed to admit it, also 9 UFO's - some near completion, some half way there. And that doesn't count this:

My Shawl Collared Vest (or jacket) which is motoring along nicely, thank-you. I'm about done with the ribbing and it will go even faster.

Well. So. Hmmm. I think I better leave the check book and plastic at home this fall during festival season.

posted by Bess | 7:36 AM