Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


For the next two years, you're going to be facing facts and accepting realities. But you're also going to be making magnificent progress as you direct all your energy and effort into a decision that's long overdue. The change starts right now.

Well! He certainly has us pegged, doesn't he, Beth, dear?! I am facing 55 a week from today...and have (typically, one migh comment, wryly) instigated a new exercise program to fight menopausal spread, and have lit into knitting and stitching and reading with a vengeance! Happy Labour Day, my VirgoSis!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:01 AM  

Whee!! Congratulations on getting your high speed internet.

By Blogger Carolyn, at 1:39 PM  

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Saturday, September 01, 2007  

In the crisp freshness of the First Day of my Birthday Month, I can hear on the river, the second flock of migratory geese settling in for the winter. I heard the first one a day or so ago and stopped in my tracks, washed over with the joyful reminder that sweater weather was almost here! After the crushing weight of a Virginia summer, with its Bermuda highs and 98% humidity droughts, this song of the seasons, this promise of cool breezes and clear skies takes 10 years off my attitude.

I used to claim that if you saw Canada geese before September 27th, it was going to be a long winter. But that was back when all geese were migratory. We have so many Home geese now you see them all summer long. But you don't hear them. Evidently, Home geese don't feel like they need to announce themselves. The Canada geese like to let you know they're back. That magical moment when you hear them calling across the marsh, sometimes even hear the whoosh of their wings as they skim low overhead, the fluttery splashing sound of them landing on the river; Oh My. Oh that is a sound to make your heart climb up into your throat and maybe squeeze out a few joy filled tears.

Today I plan to do a serious kitchen cabinet clean. Not, perhaps, a holiday sort of thing, but certainly labor – which seems appropriate for Labor Day Weekend. And I want to start the Birthday Month with a kitchen I won't mind living with all winter long. Every old, greasy, caked, sticky thing will be dumped. All dirty dishes will be run through the washer. I may even venture up into those top cabinets and see if I might put some of the party dishes up there. I don't really remember what's in those upper cabinets except the ham boiler and the ice cream maker.
When that job is done – and when the ordinary Saturday Sparkle has been spread across the other rooms – I intend to sit, and knit, and maybe have a swim just to prove that I do swim in September. And sleep. Lots of S's for the September Birthday Month.

As for the long term future ... Well, my Virgo sisters – here is what Mr.Horoscope has to say:

Your September Forecast: You can't be everywhere at once. Nor can you be all things to all men... or women. Better to recognize as much and draw a few clear lines in the sand, than to kid yourself that things are any different and thus wind up living in a world full of vague half-promises and quarter-compromises. Saturn is moving into Virgo. It has been nearly three decades since we last saw an astrological arrival quite like this. For the next two years, you're going to be facing facts and accepting realities. But you're also going to be making magnificent progress as you direct all your energy and effort into a decision that's long overdue. The change starts right now.

posted by Bess | 7:45 AM