Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Phew! Busy! And it looks as though TheQueen won't get to fondle fibers at Sedalia on Saturday. That's just a cryin' shame. But May and Maryland will come soon enough. And hopefully without snow!

By Blogger Mary, at 11:51 PM  

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Sunday, April 08, 2007  

It’s a beautiful blue sky day, fringed with emerald and the old-gold green of early spring. There’s a breeze that’s making the trees dance and the last of the daffodils nod and bow. For the first time ever, my flowering crab-apple is going to bloom. Maybe this is the year I will get the garden cleaned up. At least, I plan to dig up those one thousand daffodils that are scattered about the poor garden and put them Somewhere Else. If I do nothing else, that will be a big step forward.

The lane into my house is half a mile long and the last third runs along the western edge of the forest. I’ve planted daffodils along the lane - there are about 900 of them. The goal was to get a continuous line of blossom to welcome me home in the springtime and for the most part I have it. But there are some gaps. The trouble is - I can’t tell where the gaps are in the autumn when one can buy new bulbs. Often, when I’d dig a spot for new ones, I’d slice into established clumps. So the new ones ended up in the flower gardens where they’ve grown so crowded now they don’t bloom much.

So. Now, while I can see the tops to dig them up and the gaps where they could be planted, I will make the shift. It’s an interruption in their life cycle, but they’ll adapt. If not this year, then by next year and, as I said, they’re so crowded right now they don’t bloom any more anyway.

The coming 2 weeks are going to be crammed packed with exciting events for both BD and TheQueen. Wednesday a crew of the Sultana’s John Smith Shallop will be gathering around the feet of Mr.Jamestown in a quest to understand what it is they will be commemorating as they row the thousands of miles around the Chesapeake Bay this summer. They are not historians - they’re professional rowers - a couple of Olympic team folk and some crew members from some colleges. The press will be joining them as well as BD’s agent - yes, he has a booking agent now - and of course TheQueen will be there too because she likes to see people admire TheKing. So the house has to look good. (Old King himself has been assigned the back porch and front lawn.) Friday I hop on off to Staunton where I will be teaching and story telling over the weekend. Tuesday is our 33 wedding anniversary and Wednesday is the library board meeting - which is only ever seminal and stressful for me - and only because I make it so. Thursday and Friday of next week is the library director’s meeting and the next day is a local bluegrass music festival which, happily, got rescheduled so that it’s not the same weekend as MS&W.


Life is never this frenetic at TheCastle. Except, of course, when it is.

Guess I’ll be vacuuming today. Hope you get to knit instead.

posted by Bess | 8:11 AM