Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


I, too, have lusted over that sweater pattern and am so thrilled to live vicariously through you as you knit it. So, will you have to cut steeks? (Oh, the drama!) I'm psyched that you'll have a camera with which to record (and blog!) your progress!

Enjoy the trip to Stony Mountain Fibers - I'm a bit envious! Looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday and then again next weekend at the FFF!

By Blogger Mary, at 2:04 PM  

Oh, phooey--you came to Charlottesville, and I didn't know. I would have tried to meet you at Stony Mountain Fibers--I've been meaning to call there and see if I can go for a visit of my own. It would have been nice to meet you while I was there. Rats!

By Blogger Nerdy Knitter, at 8:51 PM  

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006  

Day 3 of my vacation and I’m packed and headed to Charlottesville to see one of my all time favorite fiberistas - Barbara Gentry of Stony Mt. Fibers. Besides the fact that I haven’t seen her in ages, or been to her shop in eons, I have business to do and need her expert advice. I have 1 (or 2?) warping boards and 3 enormous wheels of yarn, spun, I’m sure, from the guard hairs of Icelandic sheep that could only be used to knit security fences. It could also, just possibly, be used as warp for carpets. I need to know if the warping boards are complete and what I could expect to sell them for at a small fiber festival if they are priced to move! Fast! Out from under my bed! On which I stub my toe every time I get up. Because, guess what? There is a fiber festival in a week and a half and maybe I can give these babies a new home. They’re far to nicely constructed to burn up in the fireplace. But they are huge and in my way and stuffed into the last bit of stowage in an already crampacked house. As I said. These babies are going to be priced to sell.

I expect to run into another fiberista femme - because we set it up that way - and have lunch downtown. I’ll pick up a wedding gift too, and an extra card, since the gift that was supposed to be shipped to my sister got shipped to me and now it too, needs a card. I plan on spending tonight at sister’s house so that we can do some family business tomorrow.

Yesterday I made my house sparkle. Seems a shame I’m abandoning it for 2 days. But I will come home to that same sparkle, dimmed a bit by September shed and some kitchen clutter, but still showing those wiped off baseboards. Yesterday’s efforts were in the nature of a mini-fall house cleaning. I don’t usually do baseboards.

Best of all - yesterday I cast on the 320 stitches of my Birthday Present From Greatest Husband On Earth Sweater

Yep, the KnitPicks sampler fair isle cardigan.

I’ve lusted for this sweater ever since it came out. My dear friend B gave me a copy of the pattern; she’d accidentally ordered 2. So, all I needed was the box of yarn and GHOE gave that to me last Thursday. I’ve joined that enormous circle. I’m K2P2ing the first round while chanting prayers that I didn’t twist, or twist and twist, or twist and twist and twist, the stitches. That’s one heckuva lot of stitches on size 3 needles. And speaking of size 3 needles - I hope Barbara still has some Addi Turbos. They’re getting harder and harder to find.

Okay - I’m off. Good knitting to you all.

posted by Bess | 8:14 AM