Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Sounds like a fun long weekend, despite the Drs apt! The Rivahfest sounds great . . . just the kind of thing for a lazy saturday . . . I'm thinking of taking the car (which means taking DH to work and picking him up late, late tomorrow) so we can go to a favorite antique store. Just not sure about grabby baby in cluttered antique shop though ;)`

By Blogger Margaret, at 8:13 AM  

Your lovely "rivah" is often pronounced "rivuh" here, which gives it a dull, unappealing thud instead of a soft, watery ahhhhh.

If your Lorna's is sock yarn, then you will have more than enough to make your socks! Even if it's sport weight, I think you'll be fine. LL has good yardage.

By Blogger Unknown, at 8:20 AM  

A lovely weekend, Bess, and so nice to go through it with you via the net! :)

By Blogger L., at 11:43 AM  

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Friday, June 16, 2006  

Hmm. Socks are blooming everywhere. I blame it on A, who started the 2006SOX project - though of course other people have had their role in getting this massive flood of sock production on the needles. Not that I haven’t been knitting socks for some good time, mind you. But I am seeing so many people post about the joy they are having clicking away on little needles with fine yarn. And I’m doing it myself. This is the one other type of garment, besides sweaters, I deem worthy of being called “real knitting”. Perhaps it is because you must knit two to finish up, or perhaps it is that clever shaping required at the heel, or perhaps it is the tiny needles, but socks seem impressive to me while a scarf, which may take more knitting and more yarn and more $$ and certainly more patience, is just a big swatch. Funny how our prejudices take root and blossom into entire gardens of stone attitudes. Anyway, to all those who have inspired, challenged and tempted the rest of us into sockedness I say “Yippeee!”

Yesterday was a weirdly good day. It seemed that anything I asked of anybody was granted the first go’round. Neither Mr.Horoscope nor any of the other star gazers had given me a hint that Thursday would be that kind of day so I was unprepared to ask, oh, say, the county administrator for a raise, or the car dealership for a free sample, or oh, hmm, my husband (a.k.a. Big Darling) to dig up the garden for me, but those important Things To Do (TTD) still remaining on my list all obligingly got themselves done yesterday. It was an amazing day.

Today BD and I are heading off to Doctorville somewhere over in Chester to see a specialist about his parathyroid, which is in overdrive and sucking calcium out of his bones. This is the last of the health issues that showed up after TheHeartAttack. Since Chester is about 70 miles away on a drive that takes us Through The City I plan to do a wee bit of shopping. Or maybe a wee bit more shopping. But it also means another Friday Off - which is sweet music to my ears, especially when it means I’ll be in the car knitting for all those lovely Friday hours.

Tomorrow our town his its annual festival - Rivahfest! it’s called. Funny how I love phonetical spelling used for effect, but once it’s been commercialized I despise it with passion. If you’ve lived in VA for any length of time, you’ll begin to open up the suffix -er and soften its terminal “r” into ah “ah”. It’s just the way we talk down here. I rather like it, I think it’s pretty, I’m glad we don’t sound like (ahem. . .) yankees, saying they know betterrrrrrr forrrrrr yew, or that upper-midwestern way of saying “sell” for sail or sale. But I can’t stand the way, all up and down Tidewater Virginia, you find Rivah-this and Rivah-that, on billboards, advertising flyers, real estate books - you name it.

Of course, the folk who make these quaintisms think they are cute and clever, maybe even original! They fail to see they are ubiquitous and predictable. Obviously - they are not Virgos. I rest my case. I also digressed into a cranky diatribe when I really ment to say that tomorrow I will play all day at a sort of quasi craft/concert/field day/fair sort of thing, meandering around town with BH and maybe even spending some $. Last time I went I remember getting some fabulous earrings of beaten copper from a pretty woman with long brown hair. This new haircut just begs for fabulous earrings....

Now about that sock I’m knitting. I’m knitting it up at 60 stitches on #1 needles. I always cast on that many for B&LD’s socks but that’s usually too many for my foot. But I also usually knit on #3 needles and with slightly thicker sock yarn. So I’m obsessing about the sock being too loose and at the same time worrying about not having enough yarn. I actually bought this stuff to knit a scarf in stripes with a coordinating boucle. I hated the stitch pattern and since I already don’t like to knit scarves, especially scarves on smallish needles, probably #3’s, I decided to go for Fashion Socks - the foot in the smooth yarn and the cuffs in the boucle. I believe there will be enough but I don’t know for sure and I’ve long since lost the ball band. These will have to be called the Faith Socks.

posted by Bess | 7:37 AM