Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Why you naughty gal! ;-) Looks like your doggies are having fun skinny dipping, too. They've got smiles on their faces!

By Blogger Mary, at 3:45 PM  

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Monday, October 01, 2007  

Happy Halloween Month!

Looks like you're skinny dipping! ;-)
Mary, at 10:53 PM

Ha! I am! No point in living way out in the stitcks if you can't take advantage of its ... erm... advantages. It was so blue and sunny and pretty yesterday I just had to drag BD out into it. Not that he's an indoor kind of guy by any means, but he's nearing the end of his last John Smith book – which will be a boater's guide to the soon to be built Capt. John Smith Water Trail – and he can focus, unlike his ENFP wife. And then it was high tide. And I'd already walked a mile and a half. And soon soon soon it will really be too cold to get in that water again.

You will be happy to year that I have at last settled on a stitch pattern for my Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn.
This one from BW 1 - the Ripple Rib stitch. It is all the texture I was looking for and it's easy to memorize. The yarn's been frogged back and (alas) set aside. But only for a wee little while.
You see, this coming weekend I'll be working the Spirit Trail Fiberworks booth with Jen and a friend of hers at the Fall Fiber Festival. And telling stories at 3:30 on Saturday - so do drop by and enjoy the fun!! In even the very best of festivals there are down times and it's good to have a project to work on. At a fiber festival, a knitter or a spinner draws people into conversation which is a good selling tool and I want to be knitting on Spirt Trail yarn. I have a Halloween Sock Pattern I'd really hoped to have ready for the show. I wont have it ready but I could have enough of it knit that people would realize it's a Halloween sock when they see it and know that the pattern will be available – maybe even place an order on the website...

So. I cast on this.
I can't seem to get the color right – it's a much softer combination of colors and warmer, while still being autumey. You can't tell much about the pattern yet – but you can see it has a scallopped edge.
And I plan to do something fun with those scallops.

I'll be spending 2 hours as a passanger in a car and several more in a meeting today. It's really a do nothing day – but a freebee I get to attend on Retirement Planning – so there ought to be enough sock to show it's stuff by tonight and who knows, maybe even a whole sock by Friday.

For my Virgo Sisters – here's a happy heads up:

And just because I have them – here are More Photos.
Why I want to come back as a Haile Dog.

posted by Bess | 8:12 AM